Lili Coffin ~ A Love Affair With #Wine ~ An Introduction

Lili Coffin's World of Wine

My love of affair with wine began when I was 8 years old.

My mother was a child actress on that was then known as the Little Rascals. Being raised in Hollywood, she was taught to enjoy the finer things in life and taught us children to do the same.

For my 8th birthday, she took me alone to the then renowned Brown Derby. I can remember every detail of that evening. I ate sole almondine, as did Mom, I had a Shirley Temple drink as Mom sipped her glass of white wine.

At the close of the meal, the head waiter brought out an enormous pineapple lemon cake. I blew out the candles after I was serenaded by wait staff and celebrities alike.

Everyone was charmed as the cake was distributed throughout the dining room and Mother stood and rose to toast me with that one simple glass of…

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Change the Way You Start Your Day

Cperky's Blog

What’s the first thing you do when you get to your desk? Check email and listen to voicemails? This is the worst way to start the workday. Instead of automatically going into reactive mode and focusing on other people’s priorities, begin your day with a brief planning session about what you need to get done.

The moment you sit down, ask yourself:  The day is over and I am leaving the office with a tremendous sense of accomplishment. What have I achieved? Thinking this through will help you distinguish truly important tasks from those that only feel urgent. Determine what to focus on, and then break down these tasks into specific actions and goals. Think about how to prioritize your list, and try starting your day with tasks that require the most mental energy.

Adapted from “How to Spend the First 10 Minutes of Your Day” by Ron Friedman

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4 Reasons #EmpireAvenue is the Best Game You’re Probably Not Playing

Sitting in a packed electric train, on my way to the city from an outer suburb, I could not but help notice, that on an average, one out every three passengers had a mobile device in his or her hands, doing something with it, definitely not talking, as talking on the phone.

What were they doing? Playing games?

Forget the teenagers. The serious looking adults, what were they doing? Playing games? Do adults play games on their mobile phones? I was surprised to learn that the adults are the ones who play serious games on their mobiles.

I immediately thought of Empire Avenue, and did realize that it was a game, just as good as any other, and more than just fun, the Missions on Empire Avenue gives one the ability to achieve greater reach and a greater audience for their social media content.

Read this article, 4 Reasons #EmpireAvenue is the Best Game You’re Probably Not Playing published by Cdog Zilla on his blog ‘cryptonaut-in-exile’. I am partial towards anything Australian, when I am on the Internet. We Aussies have to stick up for each other.

I digress. back to the article in question. This is what it the article says:

Saturday, July 12, 2014.

4 Reasons #EmpireAvenue is the Best Game You’re Probably Not Playing.

4 ReasonsTwo questions first:

1. Do you use one or more of: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Instagram, Flickr, LinkedIn, or Foursquare? If you don’t use at least one of those, you may want to skip the rest of this; however, if you use one or more (especially if more), then you may want to read on.

2. Do you play any casual, browser-based/mobile app games?

If you do, then Empire Avenue (EAV) may well be the best game you’re not playing.

I’ve talked about EAV before, you can refer back to those posts and watch the video below, to get the gist of how it plays like a virtual stock market in social media users. This time around, I want to focus on the main reasons why its worth playing for casual social media users and bloggers. Especially its (largely untapped) potential for fandom and politically engaged social media users as a platform for supporting their interests … while playing a game.

Read the complete article ‘4 Reasons #EmpireAvenue is the Best Game You’re Probably Not Playing’ at

The Empire Avenue Manifesto

There are many valid and compelling reasons why any person who values his or her online presence should be a part of the Empire Avenue network, but the reason that comes first to my mind is ‘Online Prosperity’

If you want to prosper online, then you must be a member of Empire Avenue.

Many people think of it as an online game, but that is selling Empire Avenue short. It is much much more than an online game.

Before joining Empire Avenue, I did a lot of research, and the article ‘The Empire Avenue Manifesto’ by Randy Gage on his website was the most convincing.

This is what it says:

Okay let’s start with a disclosure: I won’t join your Mafia family, I don’t spend my money buying virtual farm animals, and I’m not going to water your God damned plants. I don’t have time to play Internet games.

But I’m all over, and I suggest you do the same. Why?

Because it’s about your prosperity. It’s much, much more than an online game and it has a great deal more value than as simply a pleasant diversion. It can actually help you monitor your brand, and cultivate business.

So that’s the next caveat…

If you’re looking for gaming tips, this is the wrong article for you. There are plenty of places to get that info. This Manifesto is to tell you how I use Empire Avenue to grow my business, and how you can grow your own business. So let’s start with…

What is it?

Read the complete article ‘The Empire Avenue Manifesto’ at

Love for Empire Avenue

Cperky's Blog

Empire Avenue, affectionately called “The Avenue” ( is best described as a “Social Media stock market”.   It’s currency (eaves) are invested, earned, issued, and paid in developing an Empire Avenue stock portfolio that pays dividends daily.  Just as valuable is the lasting friendships and great relationships that are developed with other players.  Interactions with social media platforms including Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, LinkedIn, YouTube, among others are vastly important in playing the game.

I joined “The Avenue” in 2011.   I’ve developed my own strategies over the years and they’ve proven successful.  Even though I’ve been active on the Leader Board and acquired much wealth in eaves, I remind myself that it’s only a game.  And it’s how you play the game that really matters.

The primary opportunities that Empire Avenue offers is exposure to new and interesting people from all walks of life and developing enjoyable/rich…

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